Everytime new Project!

Hi Everyone,

I see some strange behavior, or I might be missing something!

I have my GitLab Repository where I committed my playbooks that is being used to run my template in AWX.

Whenever I create a “new” YML in GitLab, that is not visible through AWX until and unless I create a new Project then only I see that new YML in the Template.

Example: I have two yml in my repo they are visible in Templates, AWX, now I just created a new yml file in GitLab that is not visible in Template, but it will be reflected only after creating a Fresh Project. Also if I have rename the old two YML files even they’re not reflecting in Templates, but again they will get reflect when I create a new Project.

I explored it and found this is not happening in Ansible Tower, but no clue about AWX. can someone please suggest in this regards.


I am wondering if you have refreshed the project?

Thank you very much for your response!

Its saved me.

You can also select in the Project 'Update Revision on Launch", then any new Template associated with this project will always update before running the job.

Thanks for that. I was not aware of that.