I have the following playbook to create GLSBs for Netscaler devices using Ansible:
- hosts: netscaler
gather_facts: False
state: present
name: test_gslb
- port: ‘80’
description: ‘Generic service running on 80’
type: ‘HTTP’
method: ‘ROUNDROBIN’
backupLBMethod: ‘NONE’
servicetype: TCP
backupVServer: test_backup
tolerance: ‘0’
- name: Test GSLB
- local_action:
module: netscaler_gslb_vserver
nsip: “{{ inventory_hostname }}”
nitro_user: “{{ nitro_user }}”
nitro_pass: “{{ nitro_pass }}”
nitro_protocol: “https”
state: “{{ state }}”
name: “{{ gslb.name }}”
validate_certs: “{{ validate_certs }}”
servicetype: “{{ item.servicetype }}”
backupVServer: “{{ item.backupVServer }}”
with_items: “{{ gslb.vserver }}”
I am looking to replicate the following Netscaler Load Balancer command as an Ansible Task:
set gslb vserver gvs_vip -backupVServer gvs_backup-vip -lbMethod ROUNDROBIN -backupLBMethod NONE -tolerance 0
When I ran the Ansible Playbook, I get the following error:
ansible-playbook main.yml -i inventory.txt
failed: [x.x.x.x → localhost] (item={u’servicetype’: u’TCP’, u’description’: u’Generic service running on 80’, u’backupLBMethod’: u’NONE’, u’backupVServer’: u’test_backup’, u’port’: u’80’, u’tolerance’: u’0’, u’type’: u’HTTP’, u’method’: u’ROUNDROBIN’}) => {“changed”: false, “item”: {“backupLBMethod”: “NONE”, “backupVServer”: “test_backup”, “description”: “Generic service running on 80”, “method”: “ROUNDROBIN”, “port”: “80”, “servicetype”: “TCP”, “tolerance”: “0”, “type”: “HTTP”}, “msg”: “Unsupported parameters for (netscaler_gslb_vserver) module: backupVServer Supported parameters include: appflowlog, backuplbmethod, comment, considereffectivestate, cookie_domain, disabled, disableprimaryondown, dnsrecordtype, domain_bindings, domainname, dynamicweight, lbmethod, mir, name, netmask, nitro_pass, nitro_protocol, nitro_timeout, nitro_user, nsip, persistenceid, persistencetype, persistmask, save_config, service_bindings, servicetype, sobackupaction, somethod, sopersistence, sopersistencetimeout, sothreshold, state, timeout, tolerance, v6netmasklen, v6persistmasklen, validate_certs”}
By looking at the Ansible netscaler_gslb_vserver module, I see that backupVServer is not in the list of available parameters, hence the error. Is there any way to run the Netscaler command that I specified as a task or just have Ansible run the command? Or is it not yet supported?