Error while running bigip_node module

I’m trying to run the bigip_node playbook and am receiving the below error. I’ve also upgraded to python 2.7 which is now running alongside of python 2.6. How do I make the f5 modules now point to python 2.7 instead of 2.6?

[admin@server1 f5]$ cat playbooks/labbigipnode.yaml

I think you’d have to run your ansible command using python2.7 - something like

/usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook <rest of command line here>

If you want to run remote ansible commands using 2.6 or something else, you can set

in your inventory/group_vars as described here:

Hope this helps,


Setting ansible_python_interpreter=/path/to/python2.7 should do it for you unless the scl python2.7 doesn’t know where its own libraries are (haven’t used scl python so I don’t know the answer to that off the top of my head)

You can set that on the command line using the --extra-vars option to test:
and via group_vars/host_vars to make it apply on every run:
