Error while executed yml file

Hello Team

Am pretty new to Ansible trying , am getting an error while executing yml file .
Here am trying to install httpd services on one of web server i have inventory file below are the details ip details added am able to ping all these IP

inventory file:

mintty screen dump

<br>[webserver] <br> <br> <br>[webserver:vars] <br>package_name=httpd <br> <br>[dbserver] <br> <br> <br>[local] <br>localhost <br>


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mintty screen dump

<br>ansible@ip-172-31-18-96:/etc/playbook$ ansible -i inventory -m ping all <br> | SUCCESS => { <br> "changed": false, <br> "ping": "pong" <br>} <br> | SUCCESS => { <br> "changed": false, <br> "ping": "pong" <br>} <br>localhost | SUCCESS => { <br> "changed": false, <br> "ping": "pong" <br>


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This is YMl file i have written :

Hello Team

Can some one help me with my request please


try using this syntax and then execute your playbook.

Thank you Riaz it worked


The sudo: has been deprecated for a long time and recently remove use
`become: yes` instead