Hi all and thanks in advance for your insights.
OSX Mavericks. Ansible 1.9.4
I’ve been refactoring an ansible script to work in an EC2 instance and am a bit stuck at trying to install pip for sudo user, so as to be able to install psycopg2 for postgres-python integration.
The portion of the Task that’s causing the error is this:
name: check to see if pip is already installed
command: “{{ pip }} --version”
ignore_errors: true
changed_when: false
register: pip_is_installed
changed_when: false -
name: download pip
get_url: url=https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py dest={{ pip_download_dest }}
when: pip_is_installed.rc != 0 -
name: install pip
command: “{{ python }} {{ pip_download_dest }}/get-pip.py”
sudo: yes
when: pip_is_installed.rc != 0 -
name: delete get-pip.py
file: state=absent path={{ pip_download_dest }}/get-pip.py
when: pip_is_installed.rc != 0
$ pip --version
pip 1.5.2 from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (python 2.7)
name: check to see if pip is installed at the correct version
shell: “{{ pip }} --version | awk ‘{print $2}’”
register: pip_installed_version
changed_when: false
when: pip_version != None or pip_version != “LATEST” -
name: install required version of pip
command: “{{ pip }} install pip=={{ pip_version }}”
sudo: yes
when: pip_version != None and pip_installed_version.stdout != pip_version and pip_version != “LATEST” -
name: Upgrade to latest version of pip
command: “{{ pip }} install -U pip”
register: pip_latest_output
sudo: yes
changed_when: pip_latest_output.stdout.find(‘Requirement already up-to-date’) == -1
when: pip_version == None or pip_version == “LATEST” -
name: install psycopg2 python module
sudo: yes
pip: name=psycopg2
And the line in bold above seems to be causing an error:
error while evaluating conditional: pip_latest_output.stdout.find('Requirement already up-to-date') == -1
From what I’m reading on a couple of GitHub issue threads, this error message can sometimes be misleading.
One thing I’m a little bit unclear on is, Ansible is running on the local deploying computer and not on the deployed to computer, right? I don’t believe ansible is installed on the remote EC2 OS.
The code looks fairly simple: if the output of running sudo pip install -U pip
contains the string, ‘Requirement already up-to-date’, register as changed. Right?