I have one template file like that:
ErrorDocument 403 /customerror/$403_error_page
For ansible 1.4, I change the template to:
ErrorDocument 403 /customerror/{{ 403_error_page }}
Then I got the error:
fatal: [] => {‘msg’: “file: /home/playbooks/templates/conf/mod.conf, line number: 15, error: unexpected char u’’ at 483", ‘failed’: True}
fatal: [] => {‘msg’: ‘One or more items failed.’, ‘failed’: True, ‘changed’: False, ‘results’: [{‘msg’: "file: /home//playbooks/templates/conf/mod.conf, line number: 15, error: unexpected char u’’ at 483”, ‘failed’: True}]}
Who knows the reason? Thanks.
(Fred Badel)
Not sure this is the cause, but a variable should always start with a letter
see http://www.ansibleworks.com/docs/playbooks_variables.html#id11
OK. This is a new constraint. If I use $foo format, it works well.
Anyway, thank you much very!
This is almost true.
Jinja2 variables should follow standard Python/programming language variable constraints.
You should definitely rename your variables, but if you technically need to access them by name you can still do so.
{{ hostvars[inventroy_hostname][“403_error_page”] }}
Will still allow you to get at a variable that doesn’t have a valid variable name.
In any case, you should rename your variables as $legacy variable syntax will be removed in 1.6.