This is my first take at Ansible and I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. I have 1 vagrant VM host with a static private IP provided for testing purposes on my personal Mac.
This is my first take at Ansible and I can't figure out what I am doing
wrong. I have 1 vagrant VM host with a static private IP provided for
testing purposes on my personal Mac.
You mean you have a mac as controller host and a VM provided by
Vagrant as the target you want to apply your configuration on?
My .yml file looks like this ( borrowed & modified from an Ansible example
- hosts: all
sudo: yes
gather_facts: no
When I run the playbook, I get
› ansible-playbook postgresql.yml
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available
Is postgresql.yml the playbook you cited above?
When I run the following command to list all the hosts, I get -
› ansible -i hosts --list-hosts all
ERROR! Specified hosts options do not match any hosts
What happens when you enter the following commands in a shell:
ansible -m setup all
Maybe add a "-vv" before the -m to see errors better.