ERROR! 'service' is not a valid attribute for a Play


I’m trying to execute following dev01.yml playbook. Problem aer on machine02…I can’t find the appropriate code to stop a RHEL service on second server

  • name: Stopping the OBIEE processes
    hosts: obiee
    remote_user: {{remote_user}}

  • loadenvironmentvariables

  • shutdownservices

  • service:

hosts: machine02
become: yes
name: nodemanager
state: stopped

I have also tried this:

  • name: Stop process
    hosts: machine02
    become: yes
    name: nodemanager
    state: stopped

It should be soooo simple, but it have been bugging me for hours :smiley: what am I doing wrong?? what can’t I see ?

Calls to modules should be listed under a tasks: header:

  • name: Stop process
    hosts: machine02
    become: yes
  • service:
    name: nodemanager
    state: stopped