error message when trying to create mariadb databse

I am trying to install mysql using ANSIBLE on CentOS7(i have no idea why every documention in the world now ONLY talks ablotu Ubuntu and NO CentOS anymore…really SAD!)

here is my create_db.yml file

Have you installed MySQL before and changed the password? If so, specify
the user/password with privileges to create databases.

- name: Install Python MySQLdb
    name: MySQL-python
    state: latest

- name: Create the Drupal database
    name: db_name
    login_user: XXX
    login_password: XXX
    state: present
- name: Create the Drupal user
    name: db_user
    password: db_password
    priv: "{{ db_name }}.*:ALL"
    host: localhost

You can simplify your setup.yml playbook too:

- name: Install packages
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: latest
    - mariadb-server
    - php-gd
    - php-ldap
    - php-odbc
    - php-pear
    - php-xml
    - php-xmlrpc
    - php-mbstring
    - php-snmp
    - php-soap
    - curl
    - curl-devel
    - php-mysql
