have a problem when trying to get the hosts of a nutanix cluster through a script. I’m taking the following error:
ansible-inventory -i hosts --list
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /root/teste-nutanix/hosts with yaml plugin: Syntax Error while loading YAML. mapping values are not allowed in this context The error
appears to be in ‘/root/teste-nutanix/hosts’: line 11, column 4, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem. The offending line appears to
be: try: ^ here
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /root/teste-nutanix/hosts with script plugin: failed to parse executable inventory script results from /root/teste-nutanix/hosts: Syntax
Error while loading YAML. found unexpected ‘:’ The error appears to be in ‘’: line 1, column 36580, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact
syntax problem.
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /root/teste-nutanix/hosts with ini plugin: /root/teste-nutanix/hosts:3: Expected key=value host variable assignment, got: os
[WARNING]: Unable to parse /root/teste-nutanix/hosts as an inventory source
ERROR! No inventory was parsed, please check your configuration and options.
This error occurs only on a single nutanix cluster. In two others I can get the data successfully.
Link Script File: (https://github.com/mattkeeler/ansible-nutanix-inventory)
NOTE: I renamed the nutanix.py file for hosts and gave it permission to run on it.