Error in AWX -- import pymssql\ImportError: No module named pymssql

In AWX when trying to run a playbook that locally runs a python script the following error appears:

import pymssql\ImportError: No module named pymssql

however, via the command line the playbook works normally.

the python script imports some modules:


import sys
import pymssql

the playbook makes a call in the python script

cat playbook.yml

stdout of awx


I’m not sure why you’d try installing them in the rabbitmq container… they’ll need to be the awx_task container.

thanks for the help, I installed the pip and the two python modules that needed and worked:

docker cp awx_task:/
docker exec -it xxxxxxxxxx bash

pip install Pyvmoni
pip install pymssql

would you know which file docker file (if any) I can add these settings to this container in a new installation?

This is the file you want to modify:

Follow the instructions in the installer and inventory file to build your own image from it.