Hi all,
I am trying the reproduce the same as mentioned in
Ansible module that allows you to define and create a VMWare vsphere guest OS instance which can then be booted to start an automated install.
I have created playbook file similarly.
while executing it i am getting the following error.
tarun@ubuntu:~/playbooks$ ansible-playbook install_VM_test.yml -vvvv
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available
PLAY [] ******************************
My guess is that you are getting the vsphere_guest module that comes
with ansible instead of the custom one that you downloaded. The one
that comes with ansible (
http://docs.ansible.com/vsphere_guest_module.html ) does not have a
power_on parameter.
As to why the one you're using is not being found... I notice that the
module you linked to was last updated quite a few years ago. One
possibility is that the module does not end with a .py extension and
therefore the new module loader doesn't find it. Is the module in a
file named vsphere_guest.py? If not, try renaming it to have that
filename extension and see if it works.
Thanks. I got the required help from other group.
I am trying to crate new module with vsphere_guest (renamed as vsphere_guest_custom to avoid confusion), which has properties power_on. I tried adding this module in library and added in my playbook as