Error doing ansible ping on VM

I am running CentOS on my bare-metal installation of esxi 6.5 host . While I am able to do ansible ping to my esxi 6.5 host from my Master Node that’s running Ubuntu, I am unable to do ansible ping my CentOS using ‘ansible -m ping all’ even though I am being able to do normal ssh from my CentOS to my Master Node and from Master Node to CentOS.

Host file

Output after running ‘ansible -m ping all’

esxi-host | SUCCESS => {
“changed”: false,
“ping”: “pong”
root@ | FAILED! => {
“failed”: true,
“msg”: “failed to transfer file to /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1495975641.67-89953239612864/\n\nssh: Could not resolve hostname]: Name or service not known\r\nlost connection\n”

Even after trying to put scp_if_ssh=True on my ansible.cfg, this still happen. Any help would be appreciated!