Error connecting: load_config() got an unexpected keyword argument 'config_dict'


I am trying to install AWX using local_docker and getting below exception :

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Error connecting: load_config() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘config_dict’”}

Below are version details:

python - 2.7.5
ansible -
pip - 9.0.3
docker-py - 1.10.6
pip docker - 3.1.4
Docker - 1.6.1

From couple of articles i came to know to downgrade pip docker - 3.1.4 to 3.0.0. tried that as well but same exception.

Kindly help me to get install AWX.
Thanks in advance.


I think it is because of the python interpreter.
Can you try running the playbook with the -e option?

ansible-playbook -e “ansible_python_interpreter=python” -i inventory install.yml

Hi Mrinal,

Thanks for suggestion.
Tried but bad luck, same exception.

I’ve been seeing this error more lately with extremely bleeding edge ansible versions.