error command not found in RHEL server and few are working

am running the ansible playbook through AWX and its getting failed with the subjected error. I am able to run shell command on RHEL 7 from putty and its executed successfully. Few of the command from shell module i am able to run successfull same command is not running from ansible shell module
Path is same set from putty as well as from shell module in ansible
red hat RHEL 7.9

command :- pwd
run from putty as well as shell moduel from ansible
command :- groupInfo
run from putty but getting error from ansible shell module when path and env is set

fatal: [localhost →]: FAILED! => {“changed”: t rue, “cmd”: “groupInfo”, “delta”: “0:00:00.082693”, “end”: “2023 -02-03 22:14:37.486677”, “msg”: “non-zero return code”, “rc”: 12 7, “start”: “2023-02-03 22:14:37.403984”, “stderr”: “/bin/sh: groupInfo: command not found”, “stderr_lines”: [“/bin/sh: groupInf o: command not found”], “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: }

Asking the same question will get you the same answer: use the correct spelling and capitalisation.

And it’s all there in the error message. Please read that (really)

I have tried with small keyword but no luck as well as caps

You say “Path is same set from putty as well as from shell module in ansible”. Convince us. Run the following through putty and then again through the module.

echo $PATH
which groupinfo

The error message says
“/bin/sh: grouplnfo: command not found”

I is capitalized in groupInfo.

@Dick Visser was trying to point that out I think.

The error message says
"/bin/sh: grouplnfo: command not found"
I is capitalized in groupInfo.
@Dick Visser was trying to point that out I think.

There was a '%changelog" typo that only broke RHEL 8 based
compilation. Do a "git pull" and try it now.

Nico Kadel-Garcia