Error ansible over powershell

Hello everyone!

I’m trying to use ansible over powershell but when I use this command:

“ansible chs -m win_ping”

Looks like that it’s using ssh because the error is:

x.x.x.x | UNREACHABLE! => {
“changed”: false,
“msg”: “SSH encountered an unknown error during the connection. We recommend you re-run the command using -vvvv, which will enable SSH debugging output to help diagnose the issue”,
“unreachable”: true

P.S. My host file (/root/ansible/hosts):

Someone have any idea?


Do you have
ansible_connection: winrm
set against your host or better still in the group vars that apply to your windows hosts. See

Ansible needs telling to use winrm, otherwise it will default to attempting ssh connection, which is not available on windows.
