Hi! I have a task which ends simply with:
< TASK [pomerium : Put config file in place] >
Hi! I have a task which ends simply with:
< TASK [pomerium : Put config file in place] >
Looks like you are running on macOS based on the paths in your ansible-playbook --version output. There is a known problem with running Ansible on macOS [1] where certain system calls on the forked Ansible process cause the process to get killed by the kernel. This is a pretty fundamental issue in how Ansible creates the forked processes and how macOS treats those processes. There’s not much we can do right for a fix but setting the env var ‘OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=yes’ may “fix” the problem for now. There are cases where even this env var won’t work but it’s worth a try.
I got the error a few weeks ago. Turned out the server was running out of memory.