epel/fedora packages info

Just thought I would send a short note to the list about epel and
fedora packages for those that are using them. There seems to be a bit
of confusion about when they are available, etc.

- I've been building new ansible versions into all supported Fedora
  branches and epel-6 usually within an hour of release.

- If you are in a hurry, you can get them from the Fedora buildsystem
  as soon as they are done building:


(Note that although these are the official packages, they are not
signed yet from the buildsystem if that is important to you).

- As soon as builds are done, I submit updates:


- Usually the next day all those updates are signed and are pushed out
  to Fedora updates-testing repos / epel-testing repos.

At this point you can use the (signed) package with a simple:

yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update ansible


yum --enablerepo=epel-testing update ansible

- The amount of time the updates spends in testing varies. For EPEL
  it's 2 weeks _or_ when the update gets +3 karma. You can login and
  add karma at the above updates site if the package works for you.
  Such karma/testing is very welcome!

- As soon as the updates get enough karma or spend enough time, I
  request them to go stable and they appear in the next days stable
  updates compose.

Hope that clears up the process/timeline.
