Empty file while copying from localhost

I have a bug with Ansible 2.8.3.
I create a vm from a template and one of my step is to copy a local file to the remote server.
When the last task (copy) is done and I reboot the server, the file exist but is empty.

Do you know why Ansible does’nt made the change ? There is no error… Is a cache is drop when I reboot the VM ?

  • file: path=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192 state=absent

delegate_to: ‘{{m_ip_template}}’

  • copy: src=/tmp/{{m_serveur}}-ifcfg-ens192 dest=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192 mode=600
    delegate_to: ‘{{m_ip_template}}’
  • … Reboot the server

Thanks !!!