ec2_vpc always reports configuration has "changed"

I’m trying the ec2_vpc example posted in the documentation page ( Everything is working as expected, except it always reports configuration has changed. Here’s the verbose output:

PLAY [Create VPCs] ************************************************************

TASK: [Create dev VPC in us-west-2] *******************************************
changed: [localhost] => {“changed”: true, “subnets”: [{“az”: “us-west-2a”, “cidr”: “”, “id”: “subnet-05102460”, “resource_tags”: {“env”: “dev”}}, {“az”: “us-west-2b”, “cidr”: “”, “id”: “subnet-f9400a8e”, “resource_tags”: {“env”: “dev”}}, {“az”: “us-west-2c”, “cidr”: “”, “id”: “subnet-56c7a50f”, “resource_tags”: {“env”: “dev”}}], “vpc”: {“cidr_block”: “”, “dhcp_options_id”: “dopt-28498f4d”, “id”: “vpc-27745542”, “region”: “us-west-2”, “state”: “available”}, “vpc_id”: “vpc-27745542”}

Any idea why it’s reporting configuration has changed on re-run?


The current ec2_vpc module has issues. We know this and it’s on its way out in favor of ec2_vpc_net ec2_vpc_route_table ec2_vpc_subnet which can be found at and

I would suggest downloading them into your $ANSIBLE_ROOT/library directory until Ansible v2 has been released