ec2_facts not returning root device type: instance store or ebs

Hi All,

It seems ec2_facts does not return if the instance root volume is an instance store or ebs. Is that not available? Had a look at the module, and it does not exclude any data that I can see.

Would be useful to have as backup strategies are different.

All the best,


To confirm, do you mean “does not return” as is missing some data, or do you mean it is locking up?

Hey Berend,

So the ec2_facts module pulls the metadata from within the instance and presents that back. The metadata (to my knowledge) cannot be used to say whether an instance is ebs-backed or instance-store backed (it does not return root_device_type). You can make a guess via the block device mapping but its not guaranteed.

Perhaps a solution here would be to edit the ec2 inventory script to group instances based on root_device_type ? This would then provide two groups for instance-store and ebs and you could target these hosts with an appropriate backup job?


It is entirely missing the property.

Please see my previous reply.