I have the bellow config using the ec2_asg module :
AutoScaling group
- ec2_asg:
name: “asg”
state: present
region: “{{ region }}”
load_balancers: “{{ elb_name }}”
availability_zones: [ ‘{{ az1 }}’, ‘{{ az2 }}’, ‘{{ az3 }}’ ]
launch_config_name: “config”
min_size: “{{ min_size }}”
max_size: “{{ max_size }}”
desired_capacity: “{{ desired_capacity }}”
vpc_zone_identifier: “{{ vpc_zone_identifier }}”
Length of time in seconds after a new EC2 instance comes into service that Auto Scaling starts checking its health
health_check_period: 900
health_check_type: ELB
- Name: “AutoScalingNode”
propagate_at_launch: true - Environment: “Dev”
propagate_at_launch: true
Unfortunately this task will always fail as my instance needs about 10 minutes to be up and running but this task fails after about 5 minutes with the bellow error :
msg: Waited too long for ELB instances to be healthy. Wed Jul 22 19:56:37 2015
The health_check_period config doesn’t see to be related with this… How can I increase the timeout of this task ?