Sorry for the delay; busy week
Here is an awful mess that kind of does what you’re looking for, relying solely on Jinja2 filters and a bit of logic using inline Jinja2 in yaml folds. I’m pretty confident it can be improved in many ways.
- name: Add new group to groupslist, ensuring group names are unique
gather_facts: false
connection: local
hosts: localhost
become: false
groupslist: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['groupslist'] | d([]) }}" # ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN=jsonfile ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION=/tmp/groupslist.json
- name: Get user input
when: _groupname_input is undefined
prompt: |
Group Name ?
register: _groupname_input
delay: 1
retries: 999
- name: Register last existing group name matching pattern
msg: "{{ groupslist | map('regex_findall', '(^' + _groupname_input.user_input|lower + '(?:_[0-9]+)?$)') | flatten | unique | last |d() }}"
register: _last_matching_groupname
failed_when: false
no_log: true
- name: Define new group name based on last existing group name pattern
when: _last_matching_groupname.msg|length
_newgroup: >-
{%- set _last_matching_groupname_nb = (_last_matching_groupname.msg|lower).split('_')[-1] | regex_search('^[0-9]+$') | string -%}
{%- if _last_matching_groupname_nb | regex_search('^[0-9]+$') -%}
{%- set _newgroup_nb = (_last_matching_groupname_nb | int + 1) | string -%}
{{ _last_matching_groupname.msg|lower | regex_replace('(_[0-9]+$)', '_' + _newgroup_nb) }}
{%- else -%}
{{ _last_matching_groupname.msg|lower + '_1' }}
{%- endif -%}
- name: Store new (unique) group in var
when: _newgroup|d() not in groupslist
groupslist: "{{ groupslist + [_newgroup | d(_groupname_input.user_input)] }}"
cacheable: true
- name: Print groupslist content
msg: "{{ groupslist }}"