duplicate role execution with role denpendencies


today i try to split our grown ansible roles in more simple roles.
After do some work i realize that after rewrite and set some dependencies in our roles, some roles got executed multiple times.
So i google a bit and found an bug report (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/5971) which descibe the same behavior.
The bug gets closed because of not reproducable and no further information.

So i recreate the simple test in comment nr. 4 and BAM…no duplicate running! After some testing i figured out the only difference to out plays.
The duplicate run is triggered if you add some tags to the play.

no duplicate run:


  • name: role dep test sample
    hosts: is
  • { role: base }
  • { role: feature }

PLAY [role dep test sample] ***************************************************

TASK: [base | in base] ********************************************************

ok: [fw48b] => {
“msg”: “here we are in base”

TASK: [feature | in feature] **************************************************

ok: [fw48b] => {
“msg”: “here we are in feature”

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************


duplicate run:


  • name: role dep test sample
    hosts: is
  • { role: base, tags: base }
  • { role: feature, tags: feature }

PLAY [role dep test sample] ***************************************************

TASK: [base | in base] ********************************************************

ok: [fw48b] => {
“msg”: “here we are in base”

TASK: [base | in base] ********************************************************

ok: [fw48b] => {
“msg”: “here we are in base”

TASK: [feature | in feature] **************************************************

ok: [fw48b] => {
“msg”: “here we are in feature”

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************


As we use tags to limit the runs with the “-t” switch, i can not discard this tags in our playbooks. So what can we do to workaround this behavior?
I don’t know how to reopen the bug.

Probably best to open a new bug and link to the old bug (as you did here).
