Don't know what is causing the error with expect

I don’t know why my expect command below is not working. I used the regex format tester before doing this.

  • name: Install Rhapsody
    become: no
    command: /tmp/
    echo: yes
    (^)(?i)OK(.): “o”
    (^)(?i)Where should Rhapsody be installed(.
    ): “/rhapsody/rhapsody62/”
    (^)(?i)Where should the data directory be located(.): “/rhapsody/rhapsody62/rhapsody/data”
    (^)(?i)What memory setting should be used(.
    ): “2048”
    (^)(?i)What port settings should be used(.): “3042”
    (^)(?i)Secure Web Management Console Port(.
    ): “8445”
    (^)(?i)Secure Management Webservice Port(.*): “8450”

I get the following error

Does it actually install when using the expect module? It seems as though the failure is because you are getting a return code of 1. If it does install, it might indicate that an rc of 1 is not a failure.

What is the return code after you run it manually/interactively?

No it doesn’t install. I am having a hard time figuring out what return code 1 means or how to get a return code when I do a manual install. This .sh file is a packaged installer from a vendor we use that I am trying to automate, so I don’t have much insight into return codes.

I put in my script for every response question (.*) and now the script just sits there. What would be the correct python regex for capturing everything including new line? At this point I am just trying to grab anything to see if there issue is the response questions.

I got it going. I basically used the last word in the question and put (.*$) after it.