Does ansible -m ec2 works ?


I would like to launch an ec2 instance the same way you can with chef-knife :

ansible localhost -m ec2 -a “key_name=test group=qa instance_type=t2.micro image=ami-aecd60c7 wait=true exact_count=1 instance_tags=testing” --connection=local

but I"m getting this error :


localhost | FAILED >> {

“failed”: true,

“msg”: “dictionary requested, could not parse JSON or key=value”



is it possible to use the ec2 module with ansible adhoc or it only works with ansible-playbook ?

Hi Nicolas, that’s an interesting failure, as all modules should work just fine via ad-hoc mode. I’m wondering if there’s some other error occurring here, and it’s simply being caught by that exception handler.

Feel free to open a Github issue for this, but in the mean time you might want to try other options and/or ensure that what you have does not fail when run via a playbook.