Wanted to bring a conversation from a PR in Extras:
Earlier I had wondered if this was the way we wanted authentication to
work (as separate modules) or if we wanted it to be integrated. @bcoca
mentioned that there was precedent in another cloud module but we
didn't settle on whether it's a good architecture or not. We didn't
discuss this in the context of the new extras policies, though. Is
this some thing that should be discussed amongst the current module
authors on the mailing list? Our do we just want to have one current
module author ok the strategy? Our something else?
Anyway. The issue is here:
And the question is, should Docker authentication in Ansible be
through separate modules, or integrated? The quote is Toshio's, for
bcoca said we should talk about it on ansible-devel -- so let's talk
about it on ansible-devel. 
Seems that independent of whether docker auth is integrated with docker modules, it would still be useful to have a module that simply creates the .dockercfg for non-ansible modules. For example, I am creating the .dockercfg via template (using variables that I extracted from a manually created .dockercfg) so that mesos can download from our docker repo.