I have an docker_container that creates a container with state started (lets called this docker container Service). It has a volume_from another container (lets call that container Volume). When the Volume container changes to a new image, we need to recreate the Service container.
In ansible, I am trying to create a handler that simply has this:
- name: restart Service
name: Service
recreate: yes
state: started
When I run ansible, I get:
“user”: null,
“uts”: null,
“volume_driver”: null,
“volumes”: null,
“volumes_from”: null
“module_name”: “docker_container”
“msg”: “Error creating container: 400 Client Error: Bad Request ("{"message":"No command specified"}")”
Notice the volumes_from is null and so are all the other settings. Seeing this, I tried copying the example in the ansible docker_container docs, and I respecified ALL the options that we have in the task that initially creates the docker container. And it does the exact same thing.
Is there a trick to setting up a task handler that simply recreates the docker container?