Hi all,
Pull requests for Ansible have been huge for me and have allowed me to
concentrate on steering/testing more so than banging out a lot of
feature requests. Thanks very much for this. For those that are
less wanting to dive into the Python, let me share another great
contribution opportunity -- DOCS!
If folks would like to help update documentation, I am filing tickets
at https://github.com/ansible/ansible.github.com/issues?direction=desc&labels=&milestone=&sort=created&state=open
about things we need to document.
The process is simple. Open a pull request to change the files in
rst/*.rst using Restructured Text Format.
Do not run "make docs" and include that in a pull request as that will
make the diffs hard to read, so I recommend git commit on specific
changes in the "rst/" dir only vs "git commit -a".
Features with "0.4" in the ticket should lead with the text "(New in 0.4)"
If you have a question about doc items, just ask on the associated
github ticket.