display_args_to_stdout=true - Is it possible to suppress internal args?

I recently upgraded to 2.7.7 from 2.4 and using display_args_to_stdout=true. After upgrade many modules (like stat,command,shell etc) have started including ansible internal args into what is logged for the task on the command line. Some tasks like yum seems to suppress this behaviour like before. This makes it harder to read and I need to search for the “real” arguments. Is there any way to silence this in ansible.cfg or is this something each module developer need to incorporate?


TASK [centos : stat _ansible_version=2.7.7, _ansible_selinux_special_fs=[‘fuse’, ‘nfs’, ‘vboxsf’, ‘ramfs’, ‘9p’], _ansible_no_log=False, _ansible_module_name=stat, _ansible_debug=False, _ansible_verbosity=0, _ansible_keep_remote_files=False, _ansible_syslog_facility=LOG_USER, _ansible_socket=None, _ansible_diff=False, _ansible_remote_tmp=/tmp, _ansible_shell_executable=/bin/sh, path=/tmp, _ansible_tmpdir=None, _ansible_check_mode=False] ***
ok: [localhost]

TASK [centos : service state=started, enabled=True, name=chronyd] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]


no, modules can only return the data, they have no control on display,
that happens at the callback level.