I’ve a few old server in maintenance with older versions of sudo.
Since upgrading to ansible 2.0 (and 2.01) these servers are erroring out on sudo/become calls with:
sudo: illegal option `-n’
Checking these servers, I do see that the sudo versions do not support “-n”.
You can set the sudo flags in ansible.cfg, env var or in
ansible_sudo_flags inventory variable. The default is "-H -s -n". I
recommend you keep -H and -s.
In my situations, an inventory variable makes the most sense.
For others reference, here is the needed synax in inventory.
Note that the case is lowercase (unlike the environmental variable).
This just “grandfathers in” the (newly) broken sudo clients without effecting other clients.
I could not get the " -s " flag to work. I received errors like:
/bin/sh: /bin/sh: cannot execute binary file
Which I take to be further changes in sudo syntax.
That said, since I’m running the commands, I’m reasonably happy here that no problematic shell will be triggered.
As near as I can tell, this is most likely to avoid malicious playbooks.