dig lookup exception: 'list' object has no attribute 'startswith'

Hey all-

I’m having more problems w/ the dig lookup. If I statically define a list of hosts to lookup as a variable, it works. But if I return the list of hosts from another script, it fails. Here’s a simple example:

$ cat test.py
#!/usr/bin/env python

import json

hostList =
j = {}
j[‘hosts’] = hostList
print json.dumps(j)

$ cat test.yml

  - name: debug
    debug: msg="result is {{ (item.stdout | from_json).hosts }}"
    with_items: "{{ oidLookup_output.results }}"

Your hosts is a list with one element www.google.com

  - name: lookup
    debug: msg="IP is {{ lookup('dig', (item.stdout | from_json).hosts,
wantlist=True) }}"
    with_items: "{{ oidLookup_output.results }}"

So here you are feeding dig a list, it doesn't take a list, only a string.

TASK [debug]
ok: [] => (item={'_ansible_parsed': True,
'_ansible_item_result': True, u'end': u'2018-12-10 12:34:26.177251',


        "stdout": "{\"hosts\": [\"www.google.com\"]}",
        "stdout_lines": [
            "{\"hosts\": [\"www.google.com\"]}"
    "msg": "result is [u'www.google.com']"

Here you clearly see that it's a list and not a string.

Thanks Kai. That’s it. I thought I had read somewhere that dig will accept a list, but clearly not.

Doesn't accept a list, but do return a list if wantlist=True.