I am currently logging output of playbook runs by setting in ansbile.cfg:
log_path = ansible.log
What would be the simplest way to have one file per playbook run?
I tried to use jinja in ansible.cfg but that didn't work...
I am currently logging output of playbook runs by setting in ansbile.cfg:
log_path = ansible.log
What would be the simplest way to have one file per playbook run?
I tried to use jinja in ansible.cfg but that didn't work...
Most configuration settings are not templatable, but you can always do
it when calling it:
for playname in "play1 play2 play3"; do
ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH="ansilbe.${playname}.log" ansilbe-playbook
"${playname}.yml"; done
thx, we already use a shell wrapper anyway so this is easy to do.