Hi All,
I am experiencing something weird.
I have a couple of template files I need to copy over to different CentOS versions.
The task is simple :
copy file
- name: copy my-files
template: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/my-destination/
with_items: - file1
- file3
- file3
- file4
- file5
- file6
when: ansible_distribution == ‘CentOS’
Running this will state in green “OK” for centos 6.5 machines, but in Yellow changed for CentOS 7 machines every run .
I also have some line in file like replacements which does exactly the same .
Somehow ansible changes/replaces files on Centos 7 even when they are not changed
md5sum on source and destination are the same
BTW When I use the copy command every time the plabook is run, it copies them over on both os-sses, and using template command doesn’t on centos6.5 at least