We are trying to write Ansible playbooks for releasing patches for an application
In patch releases there are 4 basic changes that can be there
We will create 4 roles for those
BinaryRole : For changing war files and jar files with backup and replacing the existing configurations
ConfigRole: For adding / deleting / modifying parameters from the configuration files with backup
DBRole : For changes related to DB . SQL source file will be used
NonCompile: For replacing static files like JSPs or Resource_Properties
While working on the ConfigRole I am using the dictionary variables for defining files and parameters will require change in those files
The parameters can be either added or modified or removed from the config file
Below is the dictionary variable that I have defined and the corresponding task that I have used that variable in
Inside group_vars file
paramName: DB_USER
paramValue: dbansible
change: 3
Inside playbook in ConfigRole
- name: change configurations modified
lineinfile: dest={{ item.key }} regexp=‘^{{ item.value.paramName }}=’ line={{ item.value.paramName }}={{ item.value.paramValue }}
when: “{{ item.value.change }}|int==3”
with_dict: “{{ configFiles | default({}) }}”
- name: change configurations added
lineinfile: dest={{ item.key }} line={{ item.value.paramName }}={{ item.value.paramValue }}
when: “{{ item.value.change }}|int==2”
with_dict: “{{ configFiles | default({}) }}”
In the above task based on the change value parameters will be modified for value 3 and added for value 2
While looping over the dictionary configFiles: ansible is able to read only one value of every key
Here key is /home/BM/apache-tomcat-8.0.35/webapps/OBDReport/WEB-INF/classes/COMMON.properties and value is the set of values (paramName , paramValue, change )
If there are multiple parameters in the same file which require change then how do we define those in the group_vars file and how to loop through the same in the task file in the role
If I write the vars as below
paramName: DB_USER
paramValue: dbansible
change: 3
paramName: DB_USER_1
paramValue: dbansible1
change: 2
Then it will only read the last set of values for each key.
Please help in resolving this or suggest if we can use some other approach
Thanks in advance,
Mona G