Hello, I am trying to deploying BigBlueButton using Ansible Server. I made a YML script for that but I stuck in a problem, when the module of installing BigBlueButton ha been started it stuck. It didn’t show any error only stuck on this module. I found that while the installing of BigBlueButton a prompt screen will ask you for accept the license. So for this I used following module-
- name: bigbluebutton is installed
sudo: yes
command: apt-get --yes --force-yes install bigbluebutton
But it still stuck on that module. Any help would be appreciated
Thank you
You are using the command module to run apt-get, which triggers a
license prompt.
This is caused by apt-get using the 'dialog' frontend.
Instead you should use the apt-get module
This way apt-get will be run in 'noninteractive' mode, which *should*
skip the license question.
But YMMV as it's up to the package creator to actually implement it that way.
Libreoffice wants to install the microsoft fonts and wants acceptance.
echo ttf-mscorefonts-installer msttcorefonts/accepted-mscorefonts-eula select true | sudo debconf-set-selections
this will eliminate the interactive prompt your getting stuck on.