Let’s say I have an editor role which contains a list (in form of a variable, let’s call it plugins) of programming-language-agnostic plugins plus an editor_type variable, and additional roles for each language like python, C++, etc.
What is the most elegant way of organizing these roles and their tasks such that:
- some of the tasks of python are only run only when the global entrypoint playbook site.yml also includes the editor role
- the role python is able to append its editor plugins to editor’s plugins variable prior to the execution of editor’s tasks
- the order in which roles are added or removed to/from the global site.yml does not matter, the execution of any combination of roles should lead to the execution of all the tasks that fit, e.g. initially I have editor_type=vim (editor_type is a variable in the editor role) with the plugins python and c++, but then I switch to editor_type=emacs, in which case the roles python and C++ would not normally be executed, but they have to, because they have to inject their functionality into editor, which has changed its editor_type
I’m using ansible 2 and I’m a beginner in ansible, so a concrete example would be highly appreciated.
For 1. I could use register: editor_exists in the editor role, and in the language plugins I could check when: exitor_exists exists, but how about problems 2. and 3.?
I do know python, so I could extend ansible with it, but I still need an outline of best practices to follow, as I’ve never used ansible before (just puppet).
Please use concrete yaml keywords and/or concrete class/method names where necessary, so I know exactly what to research further.
Flavius Aspra