Delegating tasks from multiple hosts to one


I’m trying to delegate from multiple hosts to one in a play. Basically I’m trying to do something similar to puppet exported resources.


  • hosts: slaves
  • cron:
    name: ‘{{ansible_fqdn}}’
    job: ‘rsync {{ansible_fqdn}}:/srv/data /srv/backup/{{ansible_fqdn}}/srv/data/’ # not really, but works for this example
    minute: 0 # example only
    hour: 0 # example only
    delegate_to: master


However, after running this, only the cronjob for one slave host ends up on the master host. I also tried to write it as a loop using with_items, with the same results: only one cronjob.

I was also planning on creating monitoring configs on a monitoring host by delegating from hosts that should be monitored. This would be a very reusable pattern.

Any ideas how to solve this?
