"Delegating" handlers to other hosts

Hi all,

Is there any way to delegate handler execution on another host ?

Scenario : some client pushes part of a configuration (e.g. backup
client) to a server and triggers configuration rebuild (assemble) on the

Of course the client in this scenario could issue assemble+delegate_to
but I would rather keep the whole logic contained in the right playbook,
and rebuild only when it is required to.



Excerpts from Michel Blanc's message of 2013-10-17 09:02:28 -0400:

Is there any way to delegate handler execution on another host ?

I think using 'delegate_to' on the handler itself will do what you
expect, but test it before you take my word for it.

Nice idea, I'll try it out.
Thanks Morgan.


Did that work for you, Michel? I have a similar situation, but I need to copy files to and delegate handlers to a group of servers. I have something like this:

  • name: Deploy
    hosts: source_box


  • name: copy files
    command: rsync -az … {{ item }}:/dir
    with_items: groups[‘destination_boxes’]
    notify: service restart


  • name: service restart
    service: name=service state=restarted
    delegate_to: SERVER

If SERVER is, say, a literal IP address, it all works. But if I have more than one destination server, I need to make SERVER a variable, and that doesn’t work. Any ideas? Am I missing something?


this should work:

delegate_to: “{{item}}”"with_items: groups[‘loadbalancers’]
or any list of servers

Thanks Brian, that should work well enough. What about the case where the rsync only changes files on a subset of the destination servers though? Is there a way to make sure that only the changed servers get restarted?


Probably! :slight_smile:

When you are delegating you could still but a “when” condition on it.

If you need to compare facts on other hosts you can use the “hostvars[hostname][‘foo_variable’]” method to get at them.