delegate_to in Jinja2


I tried to build templates on mariadb (galera) and this templates
should be suites on any additional nodes.

For the example, on the `wsrep_cluster_address`, I put
wsrep_cluster_address = "gcomm://{% if (groups['dbservers']

length) > 1 %}{% for host in groups['dbservers'] %}{{

hostvars[host]['ansible_ssh_host'] }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif
%}{% endfor %}{% endif %}"

It's success, but I need to put additional parameter/variable.

I need to put `wsrep_new_cluster` below `wsrep_cluster_address` and it
only `delegate_to` first node/host.

I've read the `delegate_to` parameter on inventory, but I didn't know
how to put it on jinja2 templates. Any ref/docs? Or maybe an example?

Is it possible to do it? Any hints/helps are really appreciated :slight_smile:
Thank you.