Another semi-related question arose while I was installing packages.
I have roles named "smtp-server", "imap-server", and so on; and in each
role I have a task that does essentially the same thing:
- apt: pkg=$item state=installed
with_items: [ foo, bar, … ]
Now, this works fine, but I started wondering if I could do this in one
task[*]. For example, I could have roles/common/tasks/packages.yml that
- apt: pkg=$item state=installed
with_items: packages
…where "packages" is a variable defined via vars/main.yml by each role:
- packages: [ postfix, dovecot, … ]
This sounds good, but unfortunately, there's no way to append to the
"packages" list in successive vars/main.yml files.
As far as I can tell, the "hash_behaviour=merge" setting doesn't really
help here, because it merges only hashes, not lists.
At the moment, the solution I've settled for is to remove *all* package
installation from the individual roles, and just put the whole package
list into roles/common/tasks/packages.yml. Obviously, this works, but
it "would be nice" to have each role declare its dependencies.
Can anyone suggest a neat way to do this or something like it? Each role
should be able to declare packages it wants, but they should be combined
into a single apt transaction somewhere.
-- ams
1. One good reason to do this in one place is to not sprinkle handling
of policy-rc.d across tasks, but I can think of other reasons. And
at least one other person on IRC independently expressed a desire
to build up package lists in this way in the past few days.