Debug Script task

Hi All,

I am new to ansible, and i have a script which i use on many hosts.

The command i execute is

ansible-playbook main.yml -i hosts

here is my code in the main.yml

- hosts: group

sudo: true

user: root


- name: Clean logs


register: myEcho

- name: Debug

debug: msg=“{{ myEcho.stdout_lines }}”

Here is the script that i execute using the Ansible task:

echo ‘====================== cb-backend-00 ======================’

echo ‘======================== CleanLogsOld =========================’

du -h /opt/test/logs/logs.old/ --max-depth=0

if ls /opt/test/logs/logs.old/* 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then

echo “There are files under the Old Logs Folder”

rm -rf /opt/test/logs/logs.old/*


echo “====== No Files exist under the Old Logs folder”



Here is the output that i get:

PLAY [group] ********************************************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************

ok: []

TASK: [Clean BVT] *************************************************************

changed: []

TASK: [Debug] *****************************************************************

ok: [] => {

“msg”: “[]”


PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0

What do i miss? Why I can not see all the echo commands that I wrote?


I’m not a big expert on Syntax, but try changing the debug Task to this:

  • name: Debug
    debug: var=myEcho.stdout

I have a similar thing in one of my playbooks and it works. I hope this helps.

"msg": "" indicates that stdout is empty, use

debug: var=myEcho

You should get the output of stderr and rc, which might have a clue to
what is wrong.
You can also run with -vvvv to get more info on the execution.