Custom template filters are a great way to take the programming out of my playbooks. Sometimes I would like to have a Jinja test, though.
For example, I have a filter ‘is_in_zone(domain, zone)’ to see if a domain ends with a certain tail. For example, ‘’ is in zone ‘’ (and in ‘com’).
{{ domain | is_in_zone(zone) }} would look nicer as {{ domain is in_zone(zone) }}, and having it as a test would also make it possible to use it in ‘select’ filters.
Is it possible to create custom Jinja tests? If not, where in the code should I look if I want to take a stab at adding that feature?
Additionally you could achieve this using the regex "|search" filter or even
the python string method .endswith()
Thanks for that, indeed. That fixes my use-case.
Do you think tests are never needed?
What you are describing is a Jinja2 filter.
Not really. Filters cannot be used in 'is' expressions or 'select'
filters. (I do realize that the distinction is small, and many times a
filter will do very nicely.)
Let me demonstrate with the 'search' filter. The first of the tasks in
this playbook succeeds while the second one fails:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- debug: msg=filter
when: "'' | search('\\.example\\.com$')"
- debug: msg=test
when: "'' is search('\\.example\\.com$')"
Granted, Jinja tests are basically syntactic sugar for filters, but
they are nice sometimes.