Curated repository

Hi everyone,

I’m new to the Ansible community and coming from a sort of strong Chef background. I noticed that Ansible has ansible-examples and galaxy but I was wondering if there is anything like this project:

In the Ansible ecosystem or a plan to have something like that. The reason why I am asking this it’s because it’s a bit daunting to browse between, say 50+ roles on galaxy all of which do the same thing without really know whether you can trust it or not.

How do you guys generally approach the problem?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Improvements to Ansible Galaxy are coming, with better searchability
and ratings. That will help.

Re: "curation", there will always be a question of "who is the proper
curator," but better tools will help with that as well.

Stay tuned. :slight_smile:


A better rating system will surely help, especially an accurate and up to date Ansible Team rating.

As per the “curator” part I think that the best approach would be pick up the best role/playbook out there and make the maintainer curator and responsible to handle the github repo and the related Issues/PRs it will still keep the community involved and it also will make people converge towards a shared target.

I’ll stay tuned.