I am attempting to use a requirements.yml file within the roles/ directory of a project that installs roles via git repos. The roles/requirements.yml file is formatted as such:
bash-4.4# cat roles/requirements.yml
- src: git+ssh://git@gitserver:7999/project/ansible.role.juniper.junos.git
scm: git
name: Juniper.junos
version: master
The issue is our git server is configured to only allow access via SSH and when the git clone is attempted upon the job execution it fails.
The project itself syncs fine within AWX using the associated stored credential we have within AWX but I am assuming the job execution fails because there isn’t a credential/key associated to the job itself or the underlying tasks executed within the playbook, such as the ansible-galaxy install via git with the roles/requirements.yml.
Is my assumption correct? If so, are there any solutions to this?