Hello everyone,
I’m currently learning more about ansible and I gotta say I am enjoying it. Anyway, so I created a playbook to create snapshots for a single vm host using the UUID, but I am curious if anyone has created or if there’s a way to create multiple snapshots at one time? The only thing I can think of, only because I’m a noob, is to add each uuid into the playbook. I have it prompt for the username and password then takes a snapshot of the single vm host. Has anyone dealt with this? Here’s my playbook currently that works for a single host snapshot
#Prompts username and passowrd for Vsphere before proceeding to take a snapshot
- hosts: Linux
- name: “Username”
prompt: “Enter Your VMware Username”
private: no
- name: “Password”
prompt: “Enter Your VMware Password”
#Taking VM snapshot#
- name: VM Snapshot
datacenter: “name of my datacenter”
hostname: “ip address”
username: “{{Username}}”
password: “{{Password}}”
name: globus0
uuid: 42035680-90c8-7033-8390-11aad4f83e13
state: present
snapshot_name: test1
description: patch_snapshot
validate_certs: false
delegate_to: localhost