Creating new list from values in list of dicts

Hi all,

I am using the ec2_vpc_subnet_facts module to get back a list of subnet dicts. I want to get the id from each of these dicts and add it to a new list so i end up with just a list of subnet ids. I thought this might be possible with existing jinja filters but i’m not sure where to start so any pointers would be appreciated.


‘subnets’: [{u’availability_zone’: u’ap-southeast-2a’, u’tags’: {u’Type’: u’public’, u’Zone’: u’a’, u’Env’: u’support’, u’Name’: u’support-public-a’}, u’default_for_az’: u’false’, u’state’: u’available’, u’vpc_id’: u’vpc-11223344’, u’cidr_block’: u’’, u’available_ip_address_count’: 113, u’id’: u’subnet-11223344’, u’map_public_ip_on_launch’: u’false’}, {u’availability_zone’: u’ap-southeast-2b’, u’tags’: {u’Type’: u’public’, u’Zone’: u’b’, u’Env’: u’support’, u’Name’: u’support-public-b’}, u’default_for_az’: u’false’, u’state’: u’available’, u’vpc_id’: u’vpc-11223344’, u’cidr_block’: u’’, u’available_ip_address_count’: 118, u’id’: u’subnet-55667788’, u’map_public_ip_on_launch’: u’false’}]

I want to get each in to a list so i end up with…

my_list: [subnet-11223344, subnet-55667788]


So I wrote my own filter for this…

def idfromlistofdicts(l):
result =
for item in l:

return result

class FilterModule(object):
def filters(self):
return {
‘idfromlistofdicts’: idfromlistofdicts,

Not sure if something like this already exists though.


Try the following playbook:
