creating directories (mkdir -p)

I’m trying to create a subdirectory (to a not-necessarily existing directory) and failing utterly :frowning:

So far I’ve tried:

  • name: ensure config dir exists
    file: path={{base_dir}}/config state=directory mode=0755
    tags: myprog,confdir

base_dir is defined in the appropriate vars.yml:

base_dir: /home/my/base

both of which give me the following output:

TASK: [ensure config dir exists] **********************
changed: [host01]
changed: [host02]

This leads me to believe that the dir should’ve been created.

However, the next task in the play:

  • name: ensure handy symlink exists
    file: src={{base_dir}} dest=/mybase state=link
    tags: myprog,rootlink

fails miserably:

TASK: [ensure handy symlink exists] *******************
failed: [host01] => {“failed”: true, “path”: “/mybase”, “src”: “/home/my/base”, “state”: “absent”}
msg: src file does not exist, use “force=yes” if you really want to create the link: /home/my/base
failed: [host02] => {“failed”: true, “path”: “/mybase”, “src”: “/home/my/base”, “state”: “absent”}
msg: src file does not exist, use “force=yes” if you really want to create the link: /home/my/base

so i tried a different tack:

  • name: ensure config dir exists
    command: /bin/mkdir -p {{base_dir}}/config creates={{base_dir}}/config

tags: myprog,confdir

which also fails to do what I was expecting.

Checking the /home directory on both destinations reveals that no intermediate directories were created.

I’m stumped - any suggestions?
