Create remotly server and still on it to other installations.


I have been working to create a server on Linode via ansible, and i can do it by a playbook but when I try to use it with the best practices(Roles) I am not getting well.

Can anyone help me ?

Basically it creates the linode server and when it goes to the next step which will set hostname it doesnt connect to the server. It fails to connect automatically using the ssh public key.

Using roles :

--------------------------------------------- main playbook-----------------------------------------------

  • hosts: localhost
    connection: local
    gather_facts: false


- users

- updates

- monitoring

  • linode1

  • hosts: linode ------- I do get it data from a running playbook
    become: true


  • linodeteste

  • include_vars: config.yml

  • name: Fail if server_hostname is not defined
    fail: msg=“server_hostname needs to be defined via commandline, e.g. --extra-vars server_hostname=flower”
    when: server_hostname is not defined

  • name: Create linode server via Linode API
    name: “{{ server_hostname }}”
    plan: “{{ linode_plan }}”
    datacenter: “{{ linode_datacenter }}”
    distribution: “{{ linode_distribution }}”
    ssh_pub_key: “{{ root_ssh_pub_key }}”
    swap: “{{ linode_swap }}”
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 600
    state: present
    register: linode

  • name: Show me the registered linode
    debug: var=linode

  • name: Add new host to in-memory inventory
    hostname: “{{ linode.instance.ipv4 }}”
    groupname: “linode”

  • name: Wait for Linode to listen on port 22
    state: started
    host: “{{ linode.instance.ipv4 }}”
    port: 22

  • include_vars: roles/linode/vars/config.yml

server_fqdn: “{{ server_hostname }}.{{ server_domain }}”

  • name: set hostname
    hostname: name=“{{ server_hostname }}”

  • name: set FQDN
    regexp=‘{{ item }}$’
    line=“{{ item }} {{ server_fqdn }} {{ server_hostname }}”
    with_items: groups[‘linode’]
    become: true

  • name: ssh key only
    copy: src=files/ssh/sshd_config dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config
    notify: restart ssh

  • name: Adição de usuarios
    user: name={{ }} shell=/bin/bash state=present groups={{ item.groups }}

  • { name: ‘weslley’, groups: ‘sudo’ }
    become: true

  • name: “Autorizando acesso dos usuarios com chave de SSH.”
    authorized_key: user={{}} key=“{{ lookup(‘file’, ‘id_rsa.{{}}.pub’) }}” exclusive=yes

  • { name: ‘weslley’ }
    become: true


  • name: restart ssh
    service: name=ssh state=restarted

My error :

ECDSA key fingerprint is 78:95:7e:35:a4
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Failed to connect to the host via ssh.”, “unreachable”: true}
[WARNING]: Could not create retry file ‘pontoweb.retry’. [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘’