I have a requirement to create AWS RDS for Oracle Standard Edition 2. I have created the script and gave values as available in the AWS RDS console. The problem is Ansible is not accepting the Engine version available in the AWS console. I’m using the exact version and the fields mentioned in AWS console. If the script accepts the version it says the instance type doesn’t match and I’m not able to find the correct engine version and instance type together. I searched the aws docs for the engine and instance type mappings and used the same, but still the script fails to create the rds and complaints about either of them.Please find below my script. Any suggestions welcome !
Below is my role:
- rds:
aws_secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
command: create
license_model: license-included
instance_name: Prod
db_engine: oracle-se2
db_name: ERPDB
port: 1433
region: ap-southeast-2
size: 300
#instance_type: db.m4.2xlarge
instance_type: db.t2.micro
username: oracle_admin
password: xxxxx
Environment: Production
Application: APAC
Below is my playbook: